Shortcode – Titles / Dividers

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This is a normal title

[title text="This is a normal section title"]

This is a title with a link Click here to view products

[title text="This is a title with a link" link="http://" link_text="Click here"]

This is a centered title

[title text="This is a centered title" style="center"]

This is a bold title

[title text="This is a bold title" style="bold"]

This is a bold title with link Click here

[title text="This is a bold title with link" style="bold" link="http://" link_text="Click here"]

This is a bold centered title

[title text="This is a bold centered title" style="bold_center"]


Normal divider:


Small divider:

[divider width="small"]

Full-width divider:

[divider width="full"]
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