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normal featured box


[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"]
    Featured box text


featured box - icon left


[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text


featured box - icon center


[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="center"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="center"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="center"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/4"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="center"]
    Featured box text


featured boxes - inside a dark background container

[background bg="http://imageurl" dark="true" padding="30px"]

[col span="1/3"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/3"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/3"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text


featured boxes - inside a light background container

[background bg="http://imageurl" dark="false" padding="30px"]

[col span="1/3"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left" style="center"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/3"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text

[col span="1/3"]
  [featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://iconurl"  pos="left"]
    Featured box text

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